Impacts on our society

According to the Virginia Tech, social and economic impacts of any biotechnology can have a wide range of issues/concerns and take in both quantitative and qualitative methods and effects.  These issues/concerns can contain:

  • Environmental risks associated with releasing GMO’s into nature.
  • Potential risks to human health from consuming products derived from GMO’s.
  • Consumer acceptance (or rejection) of food produced from GMO’s.
  • Labeling of food produced from GMO’s – should this be done, and if so, how?
  • Social concerns over who reaps the benefits and who bears the costs.
  • Bio-safety regulatory issues, including the roles of regulatory agencies such as USDA, FDA, and EPA.
  • Moral, ethical, or religious concerns.
  • The potential for producing more productive or higher quality crops, livestock, foods, drugs, or other products.
  • Legal issues involving product ownership and intellectual property rights.
  • Economic costs and benefits in general


Impacts on our daily lives

Instead of having to take nasty medicine when you’re sick to get better, you can just get the medicine from the food you eat.  Genetic engineering has now made it possible in many locations in the United StatesHow cool would that be?


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